Improving care giver and patient experience through mobility


How digital mobility enables care givers to deliver improved patient care and outcomes, 同时也改善了患者的整体体验.

Why mobility is important for healthcare providers, care givers and patients?

Digital mobility is becoming the way that healthcare organizations can decisively improve patient care pathways, 满足病人和访客的期望, 提供安全保障, 保持服务的简单和成本效益. Achieving these objectives will define the experience that hospitals, 诊所和辅助生活设施, 为医疗保健专业人员和患者提供服务.



Mobility allows clinicians to achieve higher standards of care, 例如, by securely accessing electronic health/medical (EHR/EMR) records, 床边的4K成像和测试结果, instead of having to leave a patient and log into a desktop some distance away.

类似的, innovations such as monitoring devices embedded in wristbands make it possible for more patients to recover while at home, as doctors and care givers can track their progress remotely using real-time data. This reduces hospital costs and frees up beds for more urgent cases.

Achieving these advantages will never happen without the foundation of a Wi-Fi solution equipped with the strength and intelligence to support the demands of digitalization and the Internet of Things (物联网).


Patients (not to mention their visitors and clinicians) represent a cross section of modern society. 这意味着他们期待即时, trouble-free access to everything online – no matter w在这里 they are or what they’re doing. A healthcare facility is no exception and people will want: online TV and videos, 聊天的能力, 即时消息, interact with social media and perhaps even work using their smartphones, 平板电脑和其他移动设备. 要满足这些期望,你就必须提供超能力, 高速连接, 新的带宽水平和改进的覆盖范围.


现在比以往任何时候都重要, healthcare organizations in a digital world face a cybersecurity threat w在这里 data breaches can lead to legal actions and large regulatory fines, as well as severely damaging an organization’s reputation. It makes sense to safeguard digital workflows and patient data across the LAN/WLAN network. 这是最有效的方法? Building security into the architecture of the Wi-Fi network itself, rather than relying solely on the legacy approach of defense at the perimeter. 医疗保健 organizations can’t afford to ignore the commercial imperatives of security, 简单和成本效益. 考虑到这一点, 他们应该寻找价格合理的Wi-Fi解决方案, 低TCO, and a proven capability for automatic onboarding of smart and 物联网 (Internet of Things) devices to support connected healthcare services. Wi-Fi系统必须保持移动临床医生的连接, 确保智能系统在线, and eliminate the need for investment in the maintenance of old technology.

那么ALE是如何帮助 医疗保健火狐体育手机 实现这一目标?


Modern healthcare organizations need superior Wi-Fi performance to help them meet today’s clinical practices. By 2022, 97%的床边护士, 98%的医生, 96 percent of pharmacists and 94 percent of emergency room nurses will be utilizing mobile devices1. 70 percent of healthcare providers use mobile devices to access electronic medical records2 和7.目前使用了100万台家庭健康监测设备3.

Mobile technology is becoming the way healthcare organizations:

无论何时何地,提供医疗保健 – from secure access to electronic health/medical (EHR/EMR) records and test results at the bedside to wristband monitoring devices for real-time tracking of patient progress.

满足病人和访客的期望 -支援高速Wi-Fi, 使用首选设备改善覆盖和访问, while ensuring t在这里’s no impact on essential services or confidential data.

保护医疗机构 –with security built-in to protect digital workflows and patient data against costly, 破坏性数据泄露和网络攻击.

更低的复杂性和成本 – enable simplified workflows that provide tangible benefits with a lower TCO.

下一代医疗保健的Wi-Fi 6

With our global reach and local focus, we have the solution for today’s healthcare challenges. 的 阿尔卡特朗讯全接入恒星无线局域网 product line delivers affordable, 具有操作简单性的企业级功能.

安全连接 – provides a better user experience for patients, 工作人员及访客

统一网络(有线和无线局域网) -允许临床医生随时随地工作

分布式虚拟控制器架构 -提供更好的性能, 高可用性和可伸缩性, 跨医院无线局域网, 同时降低复杂性和TCO

独特的物联网遏制技术 –allows secure, automatic connection of authorized devices, users and applications

服务质量 -在高速Wi-Fi下效果更好, expanded radio coverage anyw在这里 in the hospital or clinic and a simple, 可扩展的基于云的管理解决方案

你的投资得到保障 -通过一个面向未来的解决方案, 专为医疗保健火狐体育手机设计, 这是建立在最新的技术和服务之上的

全网恒星无线局域网 产品线提供了简单的, efficient enterprise-grade solution to provide the best user experience for patients, 工作人员及访客, 无论是在医院, 诊所, 或者辅助生活设施.




主管、产品 & Solution Marketing and Head of Network 解决方案 for 医疗保健 - ‎Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

丹尼尔负责开发, 定位, communicating and educating internal and external clients, on the value proposition of ALE solutions in the Transportation and 医疗保健 verticals. 他曾在初创企业工作, 小型到大型企业业务, 担任各种行政领导职务. Daniel is an Electrical Engineering graduate from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.





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